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Such a great game! This maniac looks sooo scary but also strangely alluring lol Did this game on live stream and everybody loved it! Wanna see more *_* P.S. the game starts at 6:00

It was good. I feel like the unique lighting was the most memorable part of the game. The noises were creepy and the environment was decently made. The one complaint I have, which is a strange one, is that the rooms physically are not ordered or organized. I don't know what about the actual map that is annoying but it is tough to get around. The "puzzles" inside the game were fine and the controls were good. 



why i cant open the game? :c im on mac (sorry for bad english XD)

(1 edit)

On the Itch website, download the app. This fixed the problem!

(2 edits)

this game was really good! Check out my YouTube video!!

Games amazing! 

A great game I enjoyed playing!

what does L do

What a amazing scary, terrifying, and creepy experience I had with this well done. it keep up the good work  

Amazing Indie Horror Game! It was really scary and the game mechanics was perfect 👌🏻! Keep it up! 

Very cool short horror game, I would definitely recommend people to give this a try 

Good Game but scared me to no end.

I really enjoyed this game. I recorded myself playing on my YouTube channel, where I gave my honest opinions! :) 

nice and very scary... i was shitting myself the entire time lol

What a dreadful game, I choked with fright, thanks for the game, if you can afford the psychologist, I appreciate it

Que jogo medonho, engasguei com o susto, obrigado pelo jogo, se puder pagar o psicologo,agradeço

Meu deus do ceu que jogo medonho!!!! quase infartei, tenho certeza que me caguei um pouquinho, mas ta tudo bem, obg pelo jogo

Honestly amazing! Wish I had recorded it! The atmosphere and the idea of it watching you was scary. Screamed a couple of times. Short and sweet. 10/10

Holy shit... I needed to go buy a new chair after this one. Incredibly scary! 

LOVED IT!! Such a well put together game! It had me so scared the entire time! Amazing job!!

It's one of the best horror demos I've played. I think the character is hella creepy, it is really well-made. Brilliant idea. 

This made me scream my ass off... bruh! :D

This game scared the heck out of me!

I Know This Isn't wrong floor but it was the only way I could think of to show the creator of this amazing game some love dude your games are beyond scary I couldn't finish it. honestly your games are amazing but so scary keep up the good work. if none of u have played this yet go get it now and you will know what I am talking about!!!

With these graphics, what are the specs required to play?

The tall maniac slapped the shit out of me. Ouch.

I really love this game, good job man 

This game is really scary And loud...

Had lots of fun playing this, great atmosphere!

Thank you for making it ^_^

true this game has a great atmosphere 

aqui esta mi gameplay en español ¡¡¡ espero que lo disfruten , me encanto este juegooooo

Been hooked ever since Wrong Floor! Loved From The Darkness & Trapped. Genuinely frightening to the point of not wanting to walk forward 😂 

I’m looking forward to your next! Hopefully soon! 

Very good and spooky athmosphere! Always hated basements!^^

Very creepy, i liked it alot! good job on the game!

This game was very creepy, but I loved it. Amazing job!

Scary game

It was fun to play and the ambience was really good!

(2 edits)

Hice un video en español sobre este juego por si alguien está interesado, por cierto buen juego 10/10 :))

I made a video in Spanish about this game in case anyone is interested, by the way good game 10/10 :))

Haha this was really well done. Good job


Scariest game ever.
(2 edits)

my view keeps spinning slowly to the right even when i'm not moving my mouse :\ it's really annoying and I'm not sure whether it's intentional or not, this game looks so cool but i dont wanna keep fighting to stay still when i want to--

Same problem here. Mine moves left and up constantly. Is there a fix for this?

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