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I really liked the dynamic movement and camera in this game. The dim light of the flashlight only added a better horror experience. Great game.

(2 edits)

Only one thing I want to say to You Developer N4bA - F$#@ YOU!!! haha, this game got me almost hearth attack with those beautifully planed and designed jump scares, all the time was under pressure to not get jump scared one more time, and then the part, where You need to enter the code, jeesssus, got me sweating :D Good job! Nice game! Recommend to everyone! :)

OMG this game is short but all the atmosphere it builds up are insane!!!! I have an experience went to the wrong floor in the elevator but thanks god this didn't happen to me, here's my video!!!

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Great Game!

Uno de mis mayores sustos fue con este juego....

OMG .. So gruselig und unheimlich.  Danke dafür und Grüße aus Deutschland 👍🥰

this game was absolutely mental!! probably the coolest and scariest game for the month. this is just a reaction compilation so its only about 4 minutes long and it would mean the world to me if you watch it and maybe subscribe! LOVE YALL!!

Got me good quite a few times! The camera shake was a little too much in my opinion but I otherwise loved every minute of this. Thanks for sharing!

I really liked the dynamic movement and camera in this game. The dim light of the flashlight only added a better horror experience. Great game.

My Gawd Wrong Floor Was a masterpiece sitting on when it came to sounds and suspense this game was executed and I'm happy I was able to play it. this game is easily one of the Best Short Psychological Horror Games I have ever played.

Hi! I really want to try this game out, however, I downloaded the MacOS version, when I open it, the error:

The application “Wrong Floor mac” can’t be opened. 

comes out, do any of you have the same problem with me and how can I fix it. Thanks!

how to download for linux?


I really liked the dynamic movement and camera in this game. The dim light of the flashlight only added a better horror experience. G

reat game.

It's going down on scary games Sunday!!!!!!!!

YOUR VIDEOS ARE SO DAMN FUNNY!!! Love love love when you play itch games!

this has added a new take to my elevator phobia 



This horror game was awesome to play! I loved the camera movement and how it really was only 15 minutes to play! Can't wait to play a sequel or another game like this!

If you scare easily in any way, play a different game. This is absolute NIGHTMARE FUEL. I loved every second of it. This was a thrillride, for sure.

good job well done.. its scare the crap of me..

damn that scary.. haha

Awesome game, I'm tough to scare and I found these jumps genuinely effective, I loved it. Took me a while to figure out what "behind the red cabinet" meant but I eventually got there. Great game, thanks for creating!

very scary ngl good jumpscares too!

(1 edit)

...this game.... is just way too awesomeهذه اللعبة .... هي مجرد طريقة رائعة للغاية

this game.... is just way too awesome. i was so scared in the end when he was just standing there peeking and just thought what if he came running way too fast on my screen. oof....

I really liked the dynamic movement and camera in this game. The dim light of the flashlight only added a better horror experience. Short yet great game.

literally the best jumpscare of my life! 

Nice game. Short and sweet. Great enemy design too!

This was just a scary game!

Good Job! Got scared more than once :)

(1 edit)


i love this game but it terryffing !! 

I've gotta admit this game some of the best jumpscares I've ever experience. Truly a job well done on all of the details and minor elements in the game much love <3 

This game is SUPER well done. Great buildups to the jump scares and a terrifying atmosphere!!! Highly recommended if you want a good scare!!!

I haven't been so afraid in a long time) Good horror!

This game was really good, could be better but it is beyond what I usually expect to get from this site!

THIS WAS TERRIFYING!!  I loved it!!  Will be playing my way through your other games soon N4bA!

this was a fun experience :)
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