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This Game Is Actual Horrifying... 

O jogo aparentemente é ótimo, porém eu tento jogar mas não consigo já desinstalei e reinstalei porém não adianta, alguém sabe o por quê disso?


okay your last 2 games have been incredible! Im so happy you expanded on Wrong Floor and Made From the darkness! 

for some reason my camara keeps rotating upwards to the left when i start the game.  (ive tried redownloading) does anyone know if this is fixable?

(1 edit)

This is a 10/10 game. It's easy to download, you can play it on a variety of devices, and the game, in general, is just AMAZING.

Horror mixed with comedy! Lets make it happen! Great horror game BTW!

im having a peepee poopoo playing this game


Actually almost got scared to death...loved it. Great work! See my gameplay below.

This game was Terrifying!

I haven't been scared by a game in a while the way I have been with this one. There are jumpscares here, but mainly this game feeds off nice graphics that create a believable, and very unsettling atmosphere. Great game. 

this is so good. made me speechless at the end lol

check out my video (bahasa indonesia)!


anyone have issues opening this on Mac? It says I don't have permission to open it and even trying to change permissions doesn't seem to help. Pls help If possible I rlly wanna play this :)

Do you have the Itch app? Cause it did that to me with most games until I downloaded the app instead of the browser and it has been fine from then on.

Just downloaded the app and its working now! Thanks! :)

olá gostaria de fazer uma gameplay do seu jogo no meu canal vc pemitiria?assim coloco na descrição e o link do seu jogo !!!



I ppeed my paints bc of this game lol

This is without a doubt the scariest horror game I’ve ever played. The ambience, the scares, the gameplay, all of it was terrifying. 

Wow this looks really cool. Nice job!


Loved your game, very well done I threw it in on my first 3 free horror game segment on my channel Welcome to 3 free Horror Games, In this series I go over 3 free horror games available on itch .io. These games range from truly scary to troll games. Come check out todays 3 free games and see if there is anything you like

This is literally one of the most terrifying games i've played.

experiencing this alone in a dark room... i don't even know what to say..

Watch below and see for yourself

I watched a German youtuber play this and i loved it!!! I´m sadly too scared to play it myself but maybe i will in the future!

Ciao amico !! Scrivo qui per chiedere aiuto ... Ho questo problema con questo gioco it starting ok, ma quando premo play, si ferma ed esco dal gioco..gioco molto e risolvo tutti i piccoli problemi ... non questa volta ... mi può aiutare?

Well wasn't THIS the creepiest S**T i've ever seen... JESUS man! the jumpscares got me hard... :d

Nice job man, I had a lot of fun playing this one. 

I played this a couple months ago and I scare pretty easily, so this made me poop my pants! I hate being scared but I love it at the same time, it's an unhealthy relationship...

how do you play

freaking loved it!! 
Freaking loved it!

that was nice!

This one had me shaken lol

(1 edit)

Awesome game and keep making games like this.

WTF!?!?! THIS GAME KEPT ME ON EDGE ALL TIME. Seriously, i loved it. I played alot of horror games but no game was able to keep me on edge so much. Very well done. I hope to see more in future!

Short but really well done! I highly recommend playing this game and experiencing it for yourselves.

Will definitely love to try out your other games.

Any chance this was a spiritual successor or part of the darkness game universe you put out on steam? because the photo of the stairwell outside of the apartments looks very similar to the stairs your climbing in that game.

I was developing From The Darkness and decided to take a break and make a quick game from the assets I already have including this typical Russian stairwell, and a week later Wrong Floor came out. think as you like about the universe

Dear, N4bA

I just want to ask your permission. Is it possible to stream or upload a video whilst playing your game “From the darkness”, online??
Also if it is possible, we would like to monetize and use superchat on stream and video. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.

Dear, N4bA
I just want to ask your permission. Is it possible to stream or upload a video whilst playing your game “From the darkness”, online??
Also if it is possible, we would like to monetize and use superchat on stream and video. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.

This game is awesome! Keep making more awesome games! 

Jump scares | scary. Pick one.


I cant play the game because the camera keeps moving upward

This is due to the connected gamepad, disconnect it or rotate the stick slightly.

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