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This game was really good. Definitely has a lot of potential to become something big. Made a video on it.


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel. I really liked the simple concept of the game where the curiosity kills the cat. The main character deciding to explore a haunted house alone is a classic horror game idea and it worked out quite well due to how the game was executed. I liked how the perspective of the player wobbles from left to right as it really affects the player's mobility and sight, making the player more fearful of what is coming and more stressed overall. It would be cool if an actual antagonist model was designed to make the entire experience more horrifying and cool.

I love the use of jumpscares, classic ball falling from stairs, creepy dolls, electrical appliances turning on and off etc throughout the game as the implementation of these effects really reflect how a classic horror game should be like. It would be cool if something shocking and interesting was added to the horror game to make it stand out from the rest as wells as making the horror game more unique. (The 1st jumpscare really got me XD)

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours. Will be looking forward to the full version of the game :).


Youre just here to promote your channel and not the developer shame on you. didnt even like this post the developer made. Freakin clout chasing youtubers.


This was really a good one 


That was awesome loved it.


Game looks and sounds great. And yes it is creepy. It does hit many horror game cliches though (the ball bouncing, dolls that move on their own, etc). The flashlight was a bit annoying. Having to turn it off and back on again to stop it from flashing kind of took me out of the experience. Overall I had fun and look forward to a full release.


Great atmosphere.


Very creepy game!


Absolutely Amazing! Had some great spooks and atmosphere!


What starts as a generic "walk around the creepy house" ends up being uniquely done atmospheric horror with deeper themes, then we might expect. 

DEMOs are always fun to play, as they showcase the most important and strong aspects of the game. Personally, this one did it for me, it drew a picture of what I can expect from the upcoming title and left a bit of hope to improve in some parts of the game. 

First, the level of detail - fantastic. The textures, the environment and most of all the dolls were neatly put in where they are supposed to be, slowly creeping through the psyche of the player and yet, feeling somewhat grounded. I loved the attention to smaller things like chairs, cups, vases, TV, yet, there were notes, which took me out of that surreal feeling, as the placement for those were a bit clumsy, especially the one on TV. 

Sound design was close to being binaural panning, yet, I still heard more 3D and compressed effects, rather than feeling those sounds in real life. Maybe, using headphone set would improve the overall quality, but nevertheless it's remarkable. 

Story - very intrigued and invested. 

Now, as for the criticism - because the upload is a Demo, I would not be too strict about some details, which I found overwhelming, although I do have to mention a couple of them, in order to have some feedback for you, N4bA. Depth of field was too much, I could barely see what was in front of me and considering, that the player is a child, they should see way better than, for example, adult or older person. The settings need to be added for the full game, in order to better balance sensitivity, depth of field and some post processing, which sometimes felt too much. Atmosphere is great, but I would like to see more involvement and less investigation. As I've played your other projects, like "From The Darkness" and "Not Alone" (which is still the best game of yours, so far), this one could use less walking and more interaction, but, I am not saying the game does not have interaction, I meant it being more involved with the development of the story.

Overall, worth everyone's time and looking forward to the full release. Good luck! 


Cheers for putting something good on Itchio.






ma tuo nonno

hi Dev, who are these two big tall creatures?, do they have names?

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